Thursday, October 2, 2008

Comforting or Creepy???? what is your take??

So I just found a story on MSN that you should check out at They are making these dolls to look quite (disturbingly??) like real babies. They are called "reborns". Hmm. It said that they can "fill a spot in your heart" regarding women who can't have children...I know this is a sensitive area for many, so I will refrain from more commentary. But, interesting to look at the photos (click on images and you will see several different...models?...designs?). I know I would be fooled!!!


Heather said...

Wow!! I looked at the picture and thought "which one is the real baby and which one is the doll" but they were both dolls! I will also refrain from commenting too much on my opinion! Did you see it also said they can have electronic devises to mimic a heartbeat or a warming device so the doll feels like it has body heat??

Globe Trotters said...


jet said...

I'm thinking they should include free therapy sessions with purchase.

Leticia said...

CREEPY STORY DEFINITELY!!! But isn't it amazing? On how they can make a baby doll look like a real baby? CRAZY!!

Austyn said...

i vote totally freaky

The Wildes said...

Creepy, but I am scared of lifelike dolls, so that's just me.

Christa said...

Whoa. That's crazy. I thought the same thing as the first person. Which one is real and which one is fake. Weird.